Whenever you’re becoming consistently late on loan
payments or storage rent, your assets will begin to be repossessed.
If your credit rating is a "D" and you miss five loan payments, the
bank will begin to repossess enough of your assets to pay off all of
the accumulated debt. If you are renting storage, and you miss two
payments, the renting facility will repossess your crude to pay off
the rent debt. If you do not have enough of one item to pay the
entire debt, the bank or renting facility will repossess the next
item. The order of your assets that both facilities will repossess
is as follows:
- Crude in Stock: Evaluated at 50% of the current
export price
- Lubricants: Evaluated at 75% of the current
selling price
- Gasoline: Evaluated at 75% of the current selling
- Fuel Oil: Evaluated at 75% of the current selling
- Oil Products: Evaluated at 75% of the current
selling price
- Kerosene: Evaluated at 75% of the current selling
- Refineries: Evaluated at 75% of the current
selling price
- Storage Units: Evaluated at 60% of the current
selling price
- Land Plots: Evaluated at 80% of the current land