Version 1.0: Tycoon! was
originally started in 1988 by Jeffrey T. Korringa and Michael A.
Swenson. The first Oil Tycoon! was written on the Commodore 64 and
was originally for Jeff and Mike's entertainment purposes only.
Version 2.0: Version 2.0 came in 1989 when Quick Basic
v4.0 hit the market. This was Jeff & Mike's first attempt to
write an executable program. Version 2.0 was very simple and was in
color (at that time, color was a luxury, not a necessity). The only
problem that occurred in version 2.0 was the text color scheme was
Red. When the user changed the tint on their monitor, it changed the
color to Yellow. A letter was sent to Rocky Mountain Software that
said, "...please send another copy of Tycoon! v2.0, my version is
fading from use." meaning the color was turning to yellow and was
very hard to read (we got quite a few kicks out of that one).
Version 3.0: Version 3.0 came when Jeff decided to center
the text and change the color scheme (to a non fading color). During
the coding process, an error occurred and a line of programming was
left out of the code. This allowed users to import refined products
and therefore sell product short (as much as they liked). Tycoon!
was very easy to master after that and there were quite a few
billionaires created from this glitch. Unfortunately, Tycoon! v3.0
was lost when Jeff's computer crashed and all of the program files
went with it. The executable was on a local BBS and is still
available to this day.
Version 4.0: Version 4.0 Beta never hit the
market. This was going to be the "Best of the Best". Jeff & Mike
spent literally hundreds of hours programming Tycoon! v4.0 for DOS.
This was the first Tycoon to be written in Turbo Pascal. After many
release dates and promises, they finally gave up and issued v4.0 to
users who wanted to test it. Not much feedback was received due to
the many errors in the code. This program could have been a hit if
it was finished on time and actually worked. It was amazing the
graphics they had included considering the time frame it was written
in (1990-1994).